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FounderInnovative Pharmaceutical Company Synchronizing R&D, Production and MarketingInnovation Being Widely RecognizedEnterprise Development PlanningCompany Culture


Educational Background
B.S. in Radio Physics, Sichuan University

Master in Biophysics, Fudan University

Ph.D. in Business Finance, Sichuan University

Main Working Background
Served in the Microbiology and Immunology Department of West China Medical University

Founder and Chairman of BIOKIN Pharmaceutical

Founder, President & CEO of Systimmune Inc, Seattle

Part-time Professor, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University

From day one, Biokin has carried ambition and aspiration, filled with desire and passion, and held a firm belief: A nation with such a long history, splendid culture, wise people, and broad vision as China will certainly cultivate and create outstanding companies. Biokin should strive for this, persist for this, and become one of them.

—2004 New Year's Speech by the Chairman

Baili Pharmaceutical
Guorui Pharmaceutical
Jingxi Pharmaceutical
Hiatt Technology
Company Address:1#, Building 1,No.161, Baili Road, Cross-Strait Science and Technology Industrial Development Park, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City
Sichuan Biokin Pharmaceuticals Co.,Ltd Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved
SICPB No. 17035664-1   
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