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  I am proud to have worked in such a company.

  Although the days were hard and the tasks were difficult at that time,

  my colleagues and I were always able to share happiness and woe together.

  Those days were the most glorious period of my life.

  I am proud to still work for such a company,

  because I can make efforts together with the persons that I love and respect,

  to try great things,

  and win and share glorious victories jointly.

Baili Pharmaceutical
Guorui Pharmaceutical
Jingxi Pharmaceutical
Hiatt Technology
Company Address:1#, Building 1,No.161, Baili Road, Cross-Strait Science and Technology Industrial Development Park, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City
Sichuan Biokin Pharmaceuticals Co.,Ltd Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved
SICPB No. 17035664-1   
Internet Drug Information Service Qualification Certificate S/N: (C)-FJYX-2022-0343