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A New Year’s Message from the Chairman for 2024—Forge ahead on Tortuous Path Ahead


Time goes by unstopped. Now we are bidding farewell to 2023 and ushering in 2024, yet what happened ten years ago remains fresh like yesterday...In 2013, we were busy conducting surveys and finally made an important decision. In the cold winter in the beginning of 2014, we founded Systlmmune in Seattle and established a consistent mission for the biotech—unremittingly develop anti-tumor drugs with breakthrough efficacy, and bring the light of hope into the life of cancer patients, so that the life of cancer patients can be extended with quality...


 Forging ahead for a decade, we have built two important core technology platforms ADC and GNC, forming the basis for sustainable innovation; we have further established dozens of pipelines in different stages of research, and successively promoted  4 ADC drugs and 3 GNC drugs into clinical stage. These drugs are showing the “signs” of breakthrough efficacy bit by bit. We strive to promote the development of clinical research, and collect more and more data full of expectations. We are busy and nervous, and at the same time, excited.


 Ten years ago, we set up Systlmmune in the winter of global biotech industry in 2013; ten years later, we have the honor to be listed on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board in 2023, just like wearing one more piece of winter cloth  against the cold winter while forging ahead with our mission; the partnership with BMS at the end of 2023 has won us a world-class partner on the path towards our mission.


 It seems that the biotech industry requires at least a dacade as a time scale to test persistence and patience, to  examine and weigh success or failure. The next decade is destined to come, and for usforging ahead ,  remains the same like the past one:  The world changes, ups and downs..




Baili Pharmaceutical
Guorui Pharmaceutical
Jingxi Pharmaceutical
Hiatt Technology
Company Address:1#, Building 1,No.161, Baili Road, Cross-Strait Science and Technology Industrial Development Park, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City
Sichuan Biokin Pharmaceuticals Co.,Ltd Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved
SICPB No. 17035664-1   
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